Ebanking FAQs

General Questions

I get a System Unavailable dialog, what should I do?
Hopefully you will never see this dialog box. However, if you do, it is probably because the system is down for maintenance. Please try again later. If the problem persists, contact your financial institution.

Which browsers do you support?

If your computer operating system is Windows 7 or higher, the following internet browser versions are supported

 If your computer operating system is Mac OS 10.9 or higher, the following internet browser versions are supported

  • Safari 10 and higher
  • Chrome 56 and higher
  • A browser that supports TLS version 1.2 or higher


Why does part of my account number contain ‘X’s?
To protect your account number from being viewed or obtained by unwanted individuals, the system masks part of your account number.

Why don’t I see one or more of my accounts?
If you do not see an account, you may have hidden the account from view. If you wish to include and view the account, access Settings from the main Navigation and select Accounts. Press Show button next to the hidden account.

I do not see the Delete button for some of my Accounts.
The account is an online account managed by your financial institution. These accounts cannot be deleted.

Why can’t I see more than 30 days worth of transactions?
Currently, the system is set to display only 30 days worth of transaction history in descending date order.

Can I split a transaction in to different categories?
Yes. Select a transaction to display the transaction details. Select a new category and enter an amount. Press Split button. The split transactions display together in the transaction list. You can split the transactions multiple times using these steps. Other splits that have been performed display under Other splits of this transaction when you press the Split button in the transaction details.

Can I remove a category from a split transaction?
Yes. Select the transaction split to display the transaction details. Press Delete button. The split will be removed and the amount allocated will be added to the portion of the transaction that was split prior to this split.

How do I view only uncategorized transactions?
Press the View Uncategorized button on the Transactions page.

How do I recategorize a transaction?
Select the transaction from the Transactions page. Press the category shown in the table, i.e., Uncategorized expense. The categories available are displayed. If there are sub-categories under a category it is denoted with a plus (+). Press the plus (+) to display sub-categories. Select the appropriate category or sub-category. The transaction and transactions with the same description currently in the system will be categorized in this category or sub-category. When you recategorize a transaction, the system creates a “Recategorization Rule.” This allows any future transactions with that same description to be placed in the same category/sub-category. To view recategorization rules that have been created for you, select Settings from the main Navigation menu and the Rules sub-menu.

Can I create my own category or sub-category?
Yes. Select a transaction to display transaction details. Press Add Category button to display the Add Category fields. Enter a category name, select Income or Expense radio button. If it is a sub-category of a category, check the Subcategory of checkbox and select the parent category. Press Create button and the new category or subcategory is created. You can verify it is created by viewing user created categories and sub-categories under Settings, Categories. You will also see the new category the next time you view the list of categories in the transaction details.

Why does my transaction history show multiple cancelled and processed items?

This is a short-term display issue only. Our system is temporarily displaying some “behind the scenes” activity that does not affect your payment or any debits to your account.

After I enroll, why does the page seem to get stuck or not display my bill pay options?

After you enroll, you may experience a delay in the page refreshing or not showing your bill payment options – you can refresh your page on your browser or log out and log back in.


Here is a peak at what’s coming soon. We will let you know as these features become available in the near future.

Why do the totals displayed in the Income and Expense categories under the Current Month Status of the Dashboard appear not to be accurate?
You might not be tracking all of your accounts. Also, you might have one or more offline accounts that you need to update.

What is Net Worth?
Your net worth is the total asset account balances in the system minus your total liability account balances (rounded to the nearest dollar) in the system.

What is the Budget Forecast?
Budget Forecast is displayed above the Current Month Status on the Dashboard and at the top of the Budget page. However, it is only displayed if you have created a budget. If you have not created a budget, the information is not displayed. The amount to the left of the progress bar indicates your budgeted amount for the month. The amount within the progress bar indicates your actual amounts for the month. The Differences amount to the right of the progress bar amount indicates the difference between what you have budgeted for the month and your actual spending.
Why can’t I see all of my accounts on the Dashboard page?
Only deposit account types of checking, savings and credit account types of credit card accounts are displayed on the Dashboard page.


Can I manually add an account?
Yes. On the Accounts page, press the Add Offline Account button and enter the account information.

Why is an account on the Accounts page grayed out?
If the account is grayed out, you have excluded the account from your net worth and budget. If you wish to include the account, remove the check from the Exclude option for the Account.

I do not see the Delete button for some of my Accounts.
The account is an online account managed by your financial institution. These accounts cannot be deleted. You can only delete offline accounts you manually created.


Are transactions for an excluded or hidden account returned in a search using the Search function on the Transactions menu?
No. To unhide an account, uncheck the Hide checkbox in the transaction details. To include an account, go to Settings, Accounts and press the Show button next to the account.

Are Excluded or Hidden Account Transactions included in my budget?
No. To unhide an account, uncheck the Hide checkbox in the transaction details. To include an account, go to Settings, Accounts and press the Show button next to the account.

Are Excluded or Hidden Account Transactions included in my net worth?
No. To unhide an account, uncheck the Hide checkbox in the transaction details. To include an account, go to Settings, Accounts and press the Show button next to the account.


How do I create a budget?
For optimal benefit, it is best to create a budget once you have three months of transaction history. Select the Budget icon from the Navigation menu. The Budget page is displayed with a Create Budget button. Press the Create Budget and a budget will be created based on your last three month transaction history.

Can I modify a budgeted amount for a category?
Yes. When you press the Budget field for a category, the Budget category field and any sub-categories become editable fields. Enter a new amount in the Total Amount field and tab out of the field.

Can I start over with my budget?
Yes. On the Budget page, press the Reset button. Your budget will be reset based on your last three month’s transaction history. Your previous spending budget will be removed from your financial analysis and cannot be retrieved.


When I create a goal, I see financial goal types of Retirement and Other, what is “Other”?
A goal type of “Other” allows you to create any type of goal you wish, for example saving for a car, college or vacation. Identify the goal by the goal name.

How does my financial goal impact my budget?
If you add a financial goal and have selected the Include in Budget option the goal is included in the Savings Goals entry in your budget.